The Max Bubeck Residence is a home with personality

Designed in 1956 by Allyn Morris, the Max Bubeck Residence is a real sight to behold. With a structure that goes in all sorts of directions and a décor that is a riot of different colours, the Los Angeles-located house is nothing if not kooky.

Because of this kookiness, certain parts of the interior design feel sometimes out of place or busy. For instance the bed in the master bedroom is slightly too close to the wall and the entrance is a bit out of keeping with the rest of the structure.

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mid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - frontmid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - entrance

Likewise, the reception area has a little bit too much going on, with silver orb lighting overlooking a brick pattern wall on which sits a gold framed painting, all of which is a bit too much for the eyes.

But it’s difficult to stay mad at this house for too long. The living area is fantastic, with windows that penetrates unusually far into the back garden.

Glass and windows are everywhere in the building, lending a sense of the outdoors throughout. Indeed, given its structure, there’s a sense you might accidentally find yourself outside at a moment’s notice. Not for everyone, this home nonetheless has lots of personality.



mid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - entrancemid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - living
mid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - livingmid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - studiomid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - livingmid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - bedroommid century house Max-Bubeck-Residence - entrance outside

Photos by Michael Locke
