Midcentury water fountains

Photo by Kathleen Urban Muckey

I’m looking for help selecting a midcentury modern, minimalist or zen style water fountain for my patio. Would love to hear ideas.

Members of our facebook group for midcentury home owners were happy to help.

Below are some examples of members thoughts on the topic. These are only a few of the thousands of tips that are shared in our exclusive Facebook Group dedicated to midcentury modern home owners. If you own a midcentury house and are not already a member, join us now!

  • “Check out Campania International, they have some nice subdued modern fountains.
  • “You should find a water fountain that uses the water coming down that gutter, or get rid of the gutter. You can also add a small pond in the corner.
  • “I did a grouping of plants in pots with a fountain from ebay.”
  • “A mosaic is very midcentury modern and zen.”
  • “Anything will look great in front of that breeze block.”
  • A falling water tiered fountain would be perfect.”

You can read more tips about this topic and offer your own suggestions here.