New paint color for siding and door

Photo by Gail Hess Nafziger

We may replace doors totally at some point but for now we are thinking of a fun paint color for them. We are planning to remove the bushes in the front of the house and replace with something, just haven’t figured it out yet. Input welcome!

Members of our facebook group for midcentury home owners were happy to help.

Below are some examples of members thoughts on the topic. These are only a few of the thousands of tips that are shared in our exclusive Facebook Group dedicated to midcentury modern home owners. If you own a midcentury house and are not already a member, join us now!

  • “An earth color would work with the brick, the blue and grey fights it.
  • “I completely agree. The grays and blues are clashing with your brick. I would go with an earth tone. Maybe a greenish/taupe. I’d also paint the garage door the same color as the siding so as to not accentuate it.”
  • “I love green, so I’d do olive. I think the wood door would look great with that and the brick.
  • “Consider painting the garage door the same color as the siding, so as not to disrupt the horizontal flow of the lines, and choose a complimentary trim color to emphasize the horizontals throughout. Your entrance doors are beautiful as natural wood, but your entrance is recessed, and could use highlighting. If you don’t actually use the porch chairs for seating, consider removing them, and using low planters for the ferns rather than hanging them in the space – fewer items will give the space a chance to breathe. Consider painting the trim around the door and windows a lighter color, rather than the doors themselves. It’s a good idea to remove the front bushes – consider adding a tall feature rock (or a grouping of rocks), and planting out with low soft grasses.
  • “Yellow green. Will play off the light reddish brick. Opposites always look best.”
  • “Paint a few large swatches on different faces of the house. The lighting totally changes from one side to the other. And look at it over a week or so. Different weather (clouds or not) will change it and you do have a pretty large area to cover so you will notice it if you don’t like it!”
  • “I would absolutely keep the natural wooden colour of your front door. It gives the house and entrance warmth and you have enough painted wood as it is already”
  •  I like the color of the siding but maybe consider something in the dark army green/brown spectrum? And the wood toned doors are beautiful.”

You can read more tips about this topic and offer your own suggestions here.