“I’m looking to replace windows but my challenge is aesthetics with the redwood siding”


We are looking to replace windows and thinking of Marvin awning windows or gliders. Awning would give us a continuous glass, though they would only open 4″ or so. Gliders give more options but perhaps look cheap? What do you think would look good for exterior colors? Try to match the redwood or go black? Interior stained pine, black or a more expensive wood option?


The members of our facebook group for midcentury home owners had some great suggestions.

Below are some examples of members thoughts on the topic. These are only a few of the thousands of tips that are shared in our exclusive Facebook Group dedicated to midcentury modern home owners. If you own a midcentury house and are not already a member, join us now!

Here is one suggestion from a member with a photo of their windows:

“We also have redwood siding and needed to replace leaky windows. We went with Marvin, black aluminum exterior and mahogany interior, casements. I LOVE them! They’re so much warmer and easier to operate, and they look great. In this photo you see new windows on upper floor and the old painted windows below (yet to be replaced). But I think it’s a pretty good stylistic match.”


Another member advised: “I think the black exterior would look nice, wouldn’t be out of place. The inside would depend on what the rest of the interior looked like. Black could be nice, modern touch or if you have other wood trim, then maybe stained pine or expensive wood.”

One member shared this suggestion and their own home: “We are in Michigan. We had our windows replaced with Renewal by Anderson and the redwood siding, full of woodpecker holes, with Hardie Board. We are very happy with the results.”


You can read more tips about this topic and offer your own ideas here.