Advice on terrazzo countertops in a kitchen remodel

Photo by Gail Hess Nafziger

My designer is suggesting it and I’m not opposed but would be interested in some opinions about it.

Members of our facebook group for midcentury home owners were happy to help.

Below are some examples of members thoughts on the topic. These are only a few of the thousands of tips that are shared in our exclusive Facebook Group dedicated to midcentury modern home owners. If you own a midcentury house and are not already a member, join us now!

  • “I wanted to but couldn’t fit it into my budget (I believe I had that same sample). I ended up going with a terrazzo-like quartz that was more subtle and terrazzo floor tiles. If it works in your budget, do it!
  • “I picked one out…found out the cost. Died. Found a quartz substitute.
  • “Please trust your professional interior designer. Don’t ask amateurs. She/he would be mortified to know you were here doing this. Signed, a professional interior designer.
  • “Home Depot actually has a quartz that looks like terrazzo!
  • “Love the look, we were considering it but in the end decided against real terrazzo as it’s porous, which means it can stain with spillages of certain things (lemon juice being one), also the stone is prone to chipping. Our joiner told us, and we also got feedback from one friend that the front of their shirts started pilling from rubbing against the stone. We’re going with an engineered quartz benchtop instead – you may be able to find an engineered stone with a similar look.”
  • “I wanted it so bad and worked for months trying to find a way to make it happen. In the end the shipping of the slabs was so expensive. Making it way more expensive than the most expensive natural stone. I finally ended up letting the dream go also my contractor strongly urged us to consider the porousness of the cement and the difficulty finding a fabricator who could do it well. But if your designer is confident it can fit in your budget and will be practical, DO IT and live my dreams!!”
  • “There are granites that have a terrazzo look that i like. I prefer when the “bits” are smaller and more neutral / tonal than what you’re showing in the picture.”
  • Yes we did and I love it. The only thing is that the terrazzo does mark easily so you need to be careful.”
  • “I personally find terrazzo countertops too busy. Especially in a kitchen (a bathroom I think would actually look good given the right design)..
  • “I’m a designer and I would suggest going for a terrazzo style quartz benchtop rather than real terrazzo. It will be less maintenance.”

You can read more tips about this topic and offer your own suggestions here.