Advice on replacing windows

Photo by Rachel Person

Our seals are broken and the windows are VERY drafty. We have had a Marvin Window rep come out and give us a quote. It’s going to be $10k for just the picture window. We were thinking of doing Marvin Essentials black/black since the frames are super thin and modern looking. Just wanted to get some feedback on what others used. I know they have a “modern” line but that’s out of the budget.

Members of our facebook group for midcentury home owners were happy to help.

Below are some examples of members thoughts on the topic. These are only a few of the thousands of tips that are shared in our exclusive Facebook Group dedicated to midcentury modern home owners. If you own a midcentury house and are not already a member, join us now!

  • “Price may depend on where you live We just got a quote from window world for a huge floor to ceiling window included in a total of 3 windows . Hurricane force and the total for 3 windows was about 1/2 that amount.”
  • “We replaced 5 windows with Marvin and are very happy a few years later. We couldn’t afford to do all of them so we did the uppers for now. They blend well with our originals still on the lower level.”
  • “We replaced all of our windows with Anderson 100 series about 10 years ago, and have been happy with the look (inside and out), the quality, and the price too. My only regret is I didn’t go darker on the outside. I did sandstone and wish I would have gone dark brown. We have a mix of awning windows, slide-bys, and stationary windows.”
  • ” I also replaced mine with Anderson. We redid all the windows in the house which was quite pricey but we were able to maintain the same aesthetic and now don’t have to worry about critters and wind through any gaps. The new windows also helped lower our heating bill tremendously over winter.”
  • “A local glass company replaced the original double panes with low E double panes. Now I have no fogged panes and energy efficiency. I replaced 30 panes for about $2,000 about 10 years ago.”
  • “In our current MCM the owners left the original windows and added a second pane on the outside. Helped tremendously from an energy perspective and costs significantly less. We’d like to replace them all together in the long run, but it’s an option.
  • “Replacing original windows is a fools errand, most heat loss is through the roof, not the windows. (though new window guys will try to tell you differently). Original windows add tons to the authenticity of the house, modern windows can’t compare. If I did anything I’d have my original windows taken out to be cleaned and repaired, I might replace the plate glass with ultra-thin vacuum insulating glass. It’s only original ONCE folks!
  • “Take out the glass, grind them down and re-glaze. I’d rather get storms and put them up every winter than replace what could be repaired. They don’t make them like they used to.”
  • “If you have wooden frames in good condition, just replace the inserts. I had all my front windows inserts replaced while keeping my original wood frames. Looks as they were when the house was built in 1960. About half of the cost.”
  • “We had several of our windows resealed instead of replaced and it made a HUGE difference!”

You can read more tips about this topic and offer your own suggestions here.